During the NTD broadcast, Raven Harrison offered her insights and analysis on the GOP debate. One of the noteworthy highlights was her praise for Vivek Ramaswami and his approach to the Ukraine war. Harrison commended Ramaswami for his clear and concise agenda, emphasizing an “America first” approach. According to Harrison, Ramaswami highlighted the need to prioritize American interests and reconsider the billions of dollars spent in Ukraine, redirecting those resources towards solving domestic issues.
However, Harrison expressed her disappointment regarding the lack of attention given to China during the debate. She stressed the significant threat posed by China, particularly in relation to American interests. Harrison highlighted China’s dominance in the production of batteries for electric cars and the strategic alliance between China and Russia. She emphasized the importance of recognizing China as a major threat and developing a comprehensive approach to address its influence and potential alliances.
In conclusion, the NTD broadcast of the GOP debate on August 23rd, 2023, provided valuable insights into the candidates’ positions on critical issues. Raven Harrison’s analysis shed light on Vivek Ramaswami’s approach to the Ukraine war, focusing on prioritizing domestic concerns. However, the debate fell short when it came to discussing the significant threat posed by China. Harrison emphasized the need to address China’s dominance in key sectors, such as green energy, and the potential dangers of its alliance with Russia.
As concerned citizens, it is crucial for us to remain informed about the discussions and positions presented in political debates. By actively engaging in critical analysis, supporting candidates who prioritize American interests, and participating in the democratic process, we can contribute to shaping a stronger and more secure future for the United States.