Conservative Warrior

Robert West: The Five Star Plan

In this article, we will be discussing Robert West and his Five Star Plan, as featured in Episode 32 of Raven’s Radar. The Five Star Plan is a comprehensive strategy aimed at tackling the current issues plaguing our country and restoring power to the people. With a focus on grassroots involvement and filling key positions within the Republican Party, the plan offers a roadmap for patriotic citizens who are ready to take action.

Episode 32 Summary with Robert West

During the episode, Raven Harrison sits down with author and activist Robert West to delve into the details of his Five Star Plan. The plan is centered around the idea of replacing career politicians with engaged citizens who are dedicated to upholding conservative values and ensuring a Republican form of government. West shares his motivation behind developing the plan, stemming from his frustration with the government overreach experienced during the lockdowns in Texas.


  • Raven Harrison: Welcome, Patriots! It’s going to be a fabulous episode of Raven’s Radar. We’re going to be seeing stars today, figuratively and literally. Can’t wait to get there, so let’s get right to it. If it’s in your sights, it’s on my radar. We’ll be airborne shortly.
  • Welcome, Patriots! Well, I’m telling you, we’re going to get right to it today. There’s times that we want to mess around. Well, there’s times that I don’t want to mess around, but we want to get right to the meat of what’s going on. So today, we have an in-studio guest and it’s going to be fabulous. We’re going to Texas focus it for a minute and we’re going to talk about a plan. Everybody wants to know in these trying times, do we have a plan? Yes! And some of us have better plans than others. So today, I am with the one and only Robert West, who is the author of the five-star plan. Woo! And it says, replacing politicians with Patriots. That’s a mouthful right there, but you’re joining us in studio. Welcome!
  • Robert West: Thank you, thank you. Yeah, the five-star plan about two and a half years ago when the lockdown started, I was trading dollars for hours like most people. And I heard that in Texas, we had shut down our churches, we’d see private businesses, we’d closed our courts, we’d closed our public beaches, we had outlawed public gatherings. Everything you’d expect from a socialist. But we’re in Texas. We have a Republican governor. This is not right. This is not going to happen. And if I’m the only person in Texas fighting it, I’m going to fight it. And I said, what can I do? And I said, well, I could write a book. So I sat down and had an electronics background working on planes and your family’s Air Force. So you know about that. There’s a thing called root cause analysis. If I change a light bulb 57 times, it’s not the light bulb. What’s causing this?
  • Raven Harrison: Come on.
  • Robert West: How did we get to here? And I thought about it and thought about it. And I said, and I came up with the basis of all of this as these career politicians.
  • Raven Harrison: So how many light bulbs has Joe Biden had changed?
  • Robert West: Oh my God, talk about a dim one. That’s got burned out a lot of time ago. But yeah, so it’s not the light bulbs. And we changed brands here in Texas a few years ago. When I was a kid, you couldn’t find a Republican unless you went to a fair and paid five bucks and looked in a jar. So we changed light bulb brands. That didn’t fix it. We still not. And you know, if you brought the Texas legislature, the GOP up on charges of being charged for the last 20 years in Texas, there’s not enough evidence to convict because the Democrats keep picking our speaker.
  • Raven Harrison: Whoo, that’s who I mean, you’re talking about that right now. But before we go into these milk toast, soft Republicans, which I will always say are more dangerous than because the Democrats are a known quantity. We know what to expect with that. It’s the ones who go, yes, who worship with us and pray with us and claim to espouse our values who are out there then siding with the Democrats who are even more dangerous. But put this in context, you brought up the lockdowns, unprecedented overreach, government overreach and taking our freedoms and taking our liberties and saying you have to stay in your house. You have to wear a diaper on your face. You can’t worship with the liquor store. Stay open and clubs, the strip clubs, yeah, the liquor stores. Stay open. Get your dog groomed but you can’t get a haircut. Correct. Okay. And you can worship the God of Jack Daniels, but you can’t, you know, you can’t worship and strengthen your faith in these trying times. Okay, we’re from the government and we’re here to help. So we go through the lockdowns, but now you’re also seeing so we’ve now come out of the lockdowns.
  • Robert West: Well, here’s the thing, our governor who won reelection and won the primary because people don’t seem to know that they have these rights, don’t seem to realize he violated them. He just renewed the emergency powers act again. We’ve had three years where we have not had a Republican form of government in Texas. You would think all Republicans would support a Republican form of government. They don’t. They don’t mind a king as long as he has an R by his name.
  • Raven Harrison: So that’s interesting.
  • Robert West: So we still do not have separation of powers in Texas. So let’s talk about what that is. So you’re saying right here in 2023 in Texas that Governor Abbott has renewed his emergency powers act. Why would a governor want to do that, Robert?
  • Robert West: To maintain the power that he’s not entitled to. And that is the textbook definition of tyrant. If you exceed the authority that the people gave you, you are a tyrant. That is a definition. He has exceeded that authority. Article two of the Texas Constitution is only a paragraph and it says the executive will execute these duties. The legislature will write laws. No one else and the judiciary will rule on these laws and none of these people can do the other people’s job. So Greg Abbott not only executed the law, he wrote the lockdown mandates that decrees the royal proclamations. And in one case, in Shelley Luther’s case, he actually called the judge up and said, well, the law actually means this. That’s not his job to tell the person what the law means. It’s written in black and white. If you wrote it badly, you can’t just go, well, I really meant to write it like this.
  • See, everybody says Greg Abbott did not shut down the churches. Well, of course he did. His proclamation, his royal decree, not well thought out, said you have to shut down everything that’s non-essential like gas stations and grocery stores. Well, the church is not like a gas station. Not like a grocery store. It’s a church. You don’t have the authority to shut that down. God did not give you the authority to shut that down.
  • Raven Harrison: Come on. And see, that’s important. I also want to mention on that as at the time that we’re filming this, Shelley Luther has been really ailing. She has had a brain aneurysm and is really struggling.
  • Robert West: So she’s gone through a series of surgeries. She’s awake. She’s recognizing faces. Thank God.
  • Raven Harrison: But she’s got some recovery. Shelley, we love you and we’re pulling for you. But this is what’s important for people to know. They don’t understand that in Texas, because Texas was a country before we were a state. Yes. And we have been leading the way in pioneering freedom. That’s why it’s so important that Texas gets this right. Yes. So now that we’re in this, okay, so just understanding the fundamental scape right now. But people will say, but we have we have chaos at the border.
  • Robert West: Yes.
  • Raven Harrison: Robert. So, you know, if he needs that power to be able to declare an invasion to keep us safe, you would say,
  • Robert West: yes, that power, he’s had that power since the day he became governor. He’s refused to use it. He’s just refused. And the people that do not understand this, when Joe Biden loads up illegal aliens and flies them to where they want to go in our country after they’ve broken our immigration law, he is no better or worse than when Greg Abbott loads up a busload of illegals and sends them to where they want to go in our country after they’ve broken our laws. If you stand up and cheer for one politician who’s transporting illegal aliens and you boo the other one, what’s the difference?
  • Raven Harrison: I’m trying to think the difference would be what about six billion, twenty million dollars, according to Denver. That’s the difference.
  • Robert West: Yeah. I mean, they’re doing exactly the same thing with an R or a D next to their name, but they’re doing exactly the same thing.
  • Raven Harrison: So we have to secure the border. And all of these, even though this is primarily considered a Texas issue with the southern border, it now makes it everybody’s issue. Does it not?
  • Robert West: Everybody is a border state right now
  • Raven Harrison: because they’re all coming in and they’re not staying here. We’ve got a bunch that are staying here, but we have a lot that are just dispersing through. And that’s their only requirement. Where do you want to go? Here’s a ticket and, you know, they will literally step over veterans to cater.
  • Robert West: We are housing illegal aliens on military bases while our homeless veterans sleep on the sidewalk outside the fence. That’s not right.
  • Raven Harrison: Come on, Patriots. This is what people need to hear. So this is not, we’re not going to give you the, you know, the mainstream media view. This is real facts. This is, we can’t fix what we don’t acknowledge. So we have to know what’s going on here. So now that we’ve got that, so we’ve come through here, we know kind of what’s happening in the government. But I’m telling you, if we look at what’s going on in our country right now, okay, we’ve got some real problems going on. So I want to address, we’ve got, you know, we’re in a war we didn’t know about in Ukraine. Okay. We had a leaker come out. So now we’ve got, we found out that Joe Biden among his many, you know, unadmirable qualities is has boots on the ground and has us fighting a war in Ukraine. While we’ve been funneling enough money to them that most people are asking whether we should be claiming them on our taxes.
  • Robert West: Yes. I should at least get a Father’s Day card. I mean, if I support a bunch of people that have never done anything.
  • Raven Harrison: And he’s talking about for $46 billion. Who’s your daddy level of?
  • Robert West: Send me a Father’s Day card at least for the amount of taxes I’ve paid. I’ve been paying taxes since I was 14 years old. When I showed up at conservative groups, when I first got really, you know, involved and said, this is enough, I’m the owner operator and my employees, my public servants have not been doing a good job. It’s time to restock the shelves. It’s time to check the till. It’s time to look at the books, right? These people who’ve been involved for decades are like, I, where have you been? I’ve been here for 40 years. Lady, if I’ve been involved in 40 years, and this was the mess we had, I’d lie about how long I’ve been involved.
  • Raven Harrison: Preach.
  • Robert West: Yes. That’s it. I’ve been involved since I had a full-time job at 14 and paid a grown person’s taxes, even though I couldn’t vote for another four years.
  • Raven Harrison: Well, isn’t that the whole left’s argument is that Joe Biden, 52 years in office, Pelosi, God knows, sober, we have no idea.
  • Robert West: I want to use the guest camera for a second.
  • Raven Harrison: And, uh, and these people all say that Trump in four years is what’s wrong with this country. Yeah. And I’m,
  • Robert West: I want to use the guest camera for just a second, folks. Okay. Let me explain something. The most conservative state senator we have is Bob Hall. Without question. He wrote the intro for my book. He never served in office before he was elected state senator. Our most conservative president, and most of you watching this have had in your lifetime is Donald Trump. He never served as dog catcher in public office before he got elected president of the United States. So obviously having a background is a detriment. Now you brought up Joe Biden. Joe Biden’s been involved for, like you said, 52 years. I was five years old when the man was sworn in public office for the first time. Look at my face. That’s too long. None of us would last in a barrel of apples for 52 years. We’d rot. That’s a swamp.
  • Raven Harrison: And scathing. We’re going to have to, to get to that, the scathing hypocrisy. We’re going to have more with Robert West. We’re going to go right back to the front lines right after this.
  • [Patriot Mobile Spot]
  • Raven Harrison: Welcome back Patriots. We’re coming with this no nonsense verbs in the sentences powerhouse Robert West and we are just going to tackle this is how we take our country back.
  • Robert West: Yes.
  • Raven Harrison: Is it not? This is how first you can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge. Right. And then we have to have an actual plan. And what we’re seeing right now in the world is what happens when you either don’t have a plan or you have a really bad one.
  • Robert West: Yes.
  • Raven Harrison: And I don’t think that’s I think you know Joe Biden’s plan is to wake him up. You know, wake him up. Okay, the country’s falling apart. Wake him up. And so what we have now so we know now we’re in a war in Ukraine. We’ve got a leaker. We know the military. We we aren’t winning by all accounts the war in the Ukraine and we’ve spent more in the Ukraine than the entire Russian defense budget. Also now we have found out that Hunter Biden’s laptop they said was misinformation. It’s sickening information but it’s it’s definitely what we said it was. And now as the time of taping this they have taken the un they’ve given a violent shove into communism by indicting and arraigning President Trump.
  • They tried to perp walk President Trump by a guy who literally campaigned on communism Alvin Bragg campaign saying that he was going to get Trump. He didn’t say for what. So he literally outlined to the public that he was going to go after and violate somebody’s civil rights and try to find a motive in there. I mean that should disgust every single person but this is what President Trump has been saying that our elections are a joke that they have been selecting candidates and cheating for longer than we remember they’ve been cheating even when he was when he was running.
  • Robert West: Well anyone anyone can look up their go on their phone you know the some total human knowledge is there if you want to look most people don’t want to look. Both sides have been cheating and both sides have known about it so they don’t call each other out. It wasn’t the Democrats in 2021 in Texas who lowered the penalty from felony to a misdemeanor for voter fraud.
  • Raven Harrison: Come on Robert say that again.
  • Robert West: It was not the Democrats that lowered the penalty for voter fraud in Texas from a felony to a misdemeanor. Those were Republicans and those were so called. They have ours by their name. When you say Democrats in Austin I often have to ask myself if she’s talking about the Democrats with the ours of the Democrats with the D come on now. That’s why I always say I’m a conservative first. You have a lot of people in your audience. OK let me hold this up. This is something I stole from Steve Stern. This is my private cell phone number. Now my box will be full but you can send me a message. I respond to every single phone call.
  • Raven Harrison: I don’t think I even have this Patriots. We’re going to need to get a screenshot of this. Give this to me.
  • Robert West: I didn’t give this. But this is my number. I will pick it up. I will return your call if you if it’s full of busy. Leave a message and I will get back to you. OK. This is how important it is to me. I put my life on hold. My wife’s put her life on hold for two and a half years. We have to solve this and it’s going to be the people the owner operators that solve it’s not going to be the elected officials.
  • Raven Harrison: But that’s what we have to do is we’re not even acknowledging we have a problem. That’s a point that we made isn’t it. Is that we are it’s not the Democrats. It’s the fact that we have to understand what’s happening in our own party. OK. And that’s and for the record people I just answer this question is why aren’t you an independent. You know because I stand for the principle of the Republican Party the way they were founded the way the founding fathers intended when they said to form a Republican form of government. That’s what I stand for. So I have to be the change. I want to see that’s why I am still a Republican. I am a Republican.
  • Robert West: And I talk to people who want a third party. Right. And I’m like what a waste of time. A third of the precinct chairs in Texas are not filled. They’re empty. If you want a third party you could join the Republican Party and make it any party you want. You don’t have to be the A team building a vehicle in the garage from spare parts. There’s one in the driveway running with the keys in the nation. Yeah.
  • Raven Harrison: Because the A team is boss.
  • Robert West: Yes. So there’s there’s one called the Republican Party. The keys in the mission it’s idling and a third of the seats are empty. Well let’s just step forward and fill them.
  • Raven Harrison: Let’s get to that. OK. So that’s you know because I talk a lot about you know people say well what can we do. Yes. What I’m going to do.
  • Robert West: That’s what started the book.
  • Raven Harrison: We can’t have lazy patriots. We don’t need sunshine. Thomas Payne made a comment about sunshine patriots. And there’s a difference between being patriotic and being a patriot. OK. Patriot is an action statement. Yes. So what that means is you know precinct chairs. Well what does that mean. That means that they’re killing us at the local level of government. So people are all focused on President Trump’s race and the government. But we have work to do right here in the state. A third of the precinct chairs can’t be filled. They’re empty. Those are that’s government power guys. That’s what happens. So when people say well I don’t know what I can do.
  • Robert West: Yes.
  • Raven Harrison: Give me a sign.
  • Robert West: You can you can fill those seats or you can find someone to fill those seats. And then the other two the two that are empty out of three in Texas. You need to learn who these people are and if they need to be in there. A lot of the main goal of a precinct chair is to block walk and to talk to voters and get them engaged and get closer to 100 percent turnout for our side people to agree with us. But a lot of these people don’t do that. They can’t walk walk. Half of them can’t walk. Some of her in hospice. They can’t do the function. You’re not going to throw a war and put 80 year old 90 year olds in charge. You’re not going to put people my age in charge of carrying the guns and taking the property.
  • Raven Harrison: I might.
  • Robert West: I got the spirit for it. But my body is not what my body was.
  • Raven Harrison: I’m telling you I was raised by warriors. I would take my dad and people who know how to shoot down here. They’re patriots. Then over half of what we see right now.
  • Robert West: But we need to get younger people involved. Yes. And our party actually not too long ago at a convention it was proposed to not let anybody in the party unless they were 21 because we can’t hold a meeting at a bar if we have people showing up for 19. If you turn these people away it’s 18 19 and 20. They’ll go join a different party. Well you got to get them back.
  • Raven Harrison: This is their country.
  • Robert West: Yes.
  • Raven Harrison: We’re fighting for. This is my children’s country that I’m fighting for. Yes. That’s what this is their dog in the fight. You got to have skin in the game. So this is your country. We can’t get this figured out. And I have to apologize to the veterans. You know my dad used to go your generation is soft. Dad come on. I’m going to be changing your diapers well before we get to that. You’re right.
  • Robert West: Return to the ever.
  • Raven Harrison: I’m not this one. I was I was raised by warrior. This one has her head on straight. But I’m telling you we got to get. We need those younger ones. But we need also the experience from the older ones. Yes. It’s not as important as sleeping on our age and our experience because a lot of these people are veterans and those guys know how to win a war and they deserve our respect.
  • Robert West: And they do. And they deserve they deserve to be listened to. They have a role to have a place but it’s not knocking on doors and it’s not putting in 14 hours a day.
  • Raven Harrison: I would put one of them in a chair in our schools right now.
  • Robert West: I’ve got to go. I’ve got a guy. I’ve got a guy in Smith County and he’s on the back of my new book Bob Brewer. And he is a warrior and he is older and he’s got a scooter. He’s got Neopathy and the occupant. I’m going to mess that word up. Neopathy but he’s got a scooter and he goes door to door on that scooter until he can’t do it anymore.
  • Raven Harrison: Come on.
  • Robert West: And then he he you know goes back to what he’s doing. He’s recruited a lot of precinct chairs. He’s pushed us forward. He’s go he goes to the city council meetings. He goes to the county commissioner meetings and he raises a stink and he tells people about the first law in the United States where no law should be suffered to contradict the law of God.
  • Raven Harrison: Come on.
  • Robert West: It’s not a valid law. And and that’s something people don’t understand. All the authority comes from God.
  • Raven Harrison: Yes.
  • Robert West: Whether it’s me running my household or or you running your life. You know you have self control. You have family control. You have church. You know maybe I’m a deacon in a church somewhere and I have that God has given me some authority
  • Raven Harrison: and that’s the distinction. I guess we need to make. We don’t get our rights from the Constitution. We get our rights from God.
  • Robert West: If you do not believe in God you cannot believe in our form of government. You can’t believe in God given rights unless you believe in the giver. Well that’s a whole nother argument with with Democrats on what they worship and what they believe. I’m telling you is the good news is we’ve got a plan. OK. Necessity is the mother of invention.
  • Robert West: Yes.
  • Raven Harrison: Correct. So now you know these trying times. This is when it’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff. This is a time for people to report to this line. Nobody won a war from the backseat. OK. This is front line and everybody has a role. And we’re going to talk about what we have a plan. Robert has a plan. I know I have a plan and they’re aligned and that’s what we need to get to. We’re going to put verbs in the sentences and we’re going to give every patriot an action plan right after this.
  • [Patriot Mobile Spot]
  • Raven Harrison: We are back Patriots and it is that time the time that I really love. You know when the going gets tough the tough down here it depends. They go for a non bud light and they go for their gun and they get busy. Patriots are ready to get to the front line and we have Robert West with us and we’re going to talk about now. You have a plan. You have a five star plan that I’m familiar with and it’s fabulous. That’s what we hear right is what can we do. So take us now we have all this going. Now we know what the scape is in the government. We are in communism. OK. It is this is communism light. So this is our chance to push back against it. So two things is what is the plan and can we win this war.
  • Robert West: We’re already winning this war. We’ve already gotten rid of bad legislators career politicians in Texas using the five star plan and we have more to go.
  • Raven Harrison: We have a lot more to go. A start. So take us through the five star plan. What is it. How do we do it. Break it down for our Patriots.
  • Robert West: Right quick. If you’re watching this and you want to be involved if you ask the question what can I do. Well you know what can I do. What can I do. I get that question from elected officials. I get that question from voters and my wife used to always hit me in the arm and go you need to write a book. Tell them what they can do because I kept repeating it. What you can do is you can go to the website thefivestarplan.com all spelled out dot com and you can sign up for the newsletter. OK. That’s step one. You can get the book. That’s step two. You can find five people who are not involved in politics now who don’t know what to do who want a better life for their children and for their grandchildren. You can get them involved if you can get five people to the polls that weren’t at the polls last time for the primary election.
  • You have done more than most people will ever do politically. That’s how we solve it one cell at a time. Once you do that you can find if your precinct chair is filled or not. That is the basis of our Republican form of government and Republican Party. And these are the people that can hold the elected accountable. These precinct chairs. That’s why the elected don’t want these positions filled. That’s why a lot of people in a state party don’t want these positions filled. They like having one hat. I’m the county chair. Oh and I have this hat. I’m the S.R.C. or I’m the vice chair or I’m this or I’m that. I’m also a precinct chair. I would rather go to a Trump rally with 10,000 patriots than show up with one clown with 10,000 hats on their head. That’s not getting things done. So forget that. When I set this thing up I set it up for a reason. It’s not for me to get famous. It’s not for me to get rich.
  • You’ll never find a donate button on my website anywhere. I’m not looking to run for office. Office is like jury duty. I’ve avoided both of them my entire life. But I’m willing to do it if I’m called. And that’s the way you should never let anybody on a jury that seriously desperately wants to be on that jury. And if you seriously desperately want to be in politics you should not be allowed anywhere near the levers of power. Those are for citizens. We need to get back to citizen legislatures. We need to end career as a political career.
  • Raven Harrison: Correct. It was a civic duty. It was designed as a civic duty, not an end place for corruption. And that’s what we’ve got now is these people have been in so long we can’t get them out.
  • Robert West: They care more for their career than they care about you or me or the nation or their families.
  • Raven Harrison: And they spend more time trying to keep their job than they do doing their job. So what you’re talking about this is so patriots, this is a kind of we don’t have a place for lazy patriots and lazy Christians. So what it can do is you’re talking about if we can fill these local levels of government, if we can do these pre-cent precinct chairs and these SRECs, these other ones, this is how we change the balance. You all see what happens on election day when we see all of these things being taken and stolen in real time. The work for 2024 is happening right now. So right now we need to fill in and for people, everybody can do something. And it’s glorious to have a role.
  • You know, God made us for this time. You, every patriot watching this was made for this time. So take pride in our country. She’s worth fighting for, you know, and just get involved. So that’s what we want to see. And these are outlined in the five star plan. So I want every patriot, you guys know how I am. I’m a big reader. So I am really big on reading. I still have even my calendar is a paper calendar. I don’t, I can’t do the technology thing. It makes me crazy. But I’m telling you, Patriots, get this book, read how there’s nothing more helpless than seeing this happen and feeling like people are willing to know what to do. And they don’t know what. So we’re telling you, if you can’t be on the front lines, support those of us who are read how you can make a difference. The five star plan, Robert West, how can people find you find this book and get involved?
  • Robert West: Okay, so we’re available on Amazon and all that you can order straight from the website. If you don’t like that company, it is thefivestarplan.com all spelled out. I’ve got a podcast. I’ve got the book I’ve got training online. I’ve tried to keep everything cheaper than a pizza. I just want the message out. I’m not looking to run for office. Everybody thinks that you know, you’re trying to get famous. No, I you you design something based on a premise, right? Something that you want it to do a jet a jet engine could be fuel efficient if it was designed that way. But it’s designed to be fast. So it sucks fuel. I did not design this thing to grow. I didn’t design it to be an organization. I didn’t design it to make money. I didn’t design it to make me famous or to get me in office. I designed it to fix the problem. And that is the only sole goal of it.
  • And that’s why it’s been successful. I did not know how successful it was. But when I said we needed to fill these positions, first, our state legislative or state offices did not protect our rights, which is the only role of government. I called several state reps. And I said, Why don’t you hold him accountable and stop this emergency powers and to a person they lied to me, Republicans and Democrats, they said, There’s nothing we can do our hands are tied only the governor can call a special session.
  • I said, That’s not right. Under 665.04 of government code, you can call your own special session to consider impeachment. Why have you done that? And overwhelmingly, I got, You know about that? Oh, let me tell you why we didn’t do that, Mr West. I’m like, No, you lied to me and said you couldn’t do it. So now you’re going to lie to me again and tell me when you didn’t. I’m no longer interested in influencing. I’m interested in replacing you.
  • Raven Harrison: So, I was like, When that happens, not often in our house, the kids, you don’t only identify as ground, you are grounded. But I’m telling you, so that’s great. Do you want to put your phone number up again?
  • Robert West: Sure.
  • Raven Harrison: And Patriot. So if you’re wanting to connect with Steve, if you really serious, I’m sorry, you got me going now. I know, I know. If you want to connect with Robert, this Robert, this Robert, this and, and want to get involved and be part of the change. That’s the number we will have information on our website as well. But I’m telling you, I get excited when I actually have a plan. I tell my kids this all the time, don’t come to me with just the problem, come to me with the problem and a proposed solution.
  • Robert West: Now, I have a new book out. It just came out. It’s called the five star plan 2024, but it’s different. The first one is the plan. I gave this plan out. A lot of people went out and they got the plan and they said, but the problems are so complex. How can we solve them? Well, there is no complex problem. Nothing’s complex. You can fix anything.
  • Raven Harrison: Yeah, communism.
  • Robert West: But all these, all these problems, they’re like hyenas. There’s just a bunch of, we could solve any of them. But every time you turn around, there’s two more biting on the rump, right? We need to boil it down. So I listed a bunch of the problems we have. And some of the possible solutions, illegal aliens, okay, everybody needs a social security number or else the employer go to jail. There can’t be 15.
  • Raven Harrison: But they’re not using e-verified.
  • Robert West: Right. There can’t be 15,000 Juan Valdez’s scattered across 50 states. Only one time to vote. Only one, right? So the social security administration could find these people. You could charge them with mail fraud, tax evasion, tax fraud. All these are felonies, right? And you could line all these charges up and you could turn and go, look, you either go to prison for the rest of your life where you have 90 days to pack up your stuff and go back to wherever you came from. Okay.
  • Raven Harrison: But we didn’t hire 87,000 social security.
  • Robert West: Yeah, we didn’t do that.
  • Raven Harrison: We hired 87,000. So yes, that is so patriots being encouraged. That is what we are trying to do here. Verbs in the sentence and be grateful. Thank you, Robert West for being with us today and taking us through the five star plan. I highly recommend every patriot run out and get, I mean, run, don’t walk, you know, and get this and get this book. And I’m telling you, we are, we can do this. Thank you again for being here and patriots will be back right after this.
  • [Patriot Mobile Spot]
  • Raven Harrison: Thank you patriots for being here for another Raven’s Radar episode. I really feel honored and blessed to be bringing you these frontline fighters. We’re covering all aspects, everything that we need to get this country back on track. So please, please support Robert West. Go out and buy his book. Find out what you can do to help us because this is a marathon, not a sprint. So we need to get our country back on track and it’s going to take, you know, fixing what’s really broken instead of the smoke and mirrors we’re dealing with. And on that vein, want to remind Patriots that I’ve got my book available on pre-sale. It is Raven’s Mantle, Fighting the Betrayal of America.
  • It is available for pre-sale on Amazon and BarnesandNoble.com. And this is raw. I started my life, you know, behind two military officers and I’m married to a retired C-17 pilot. I’m telling you, I started in the Cold War. I grew up in the Cold War and I was raised by warriors. I’m going to tell you what being in the Pentagon on 9-11 looks like, what the Vegas Massacre looks like and what these all have to do with the state that our country is in right now. And I’m going to end it with the next steps in our journey and how we fix this. Are you like me tired of hearing what’s wrong? I want to know what to do about it. I’m going to put verbs in the sentences. So this is a must read book.
  • Patriots are going to get to you raw and unfiltered and we can do this. We were made for this time. For this time, God saw fit to put you and I and all Patriots to fight for what’s most important and we can do it.
  • So until then, Patriots, keep fighting.


As the episode comes to a close, Harrison and West emphasize the importance of citizen engagement and offer a call-to-action for listeners. They encourage individuals to visit thefivestarplan.com to sign up for the newsletter, purchase the book outlining the plan, and get involved at the local level of government. Filling positions such as precinct chairs and other key roles within the Republican Party is essential to effecting real change and holding elected officials accountable.

Robert West’s Five Star Plan provides a tangible blueprint for patriots who are eager to reclaim our country from the grip of career politicians. By highlighting the need for citizen involvement and emphasizing the importance of local engagement, the plan offers a way forward in these trying times. With a focus on practical solutions and actionable steps, the Five Star Plan empowers individuals to become agents of change and work towards restoring our country’s true conservative values.

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